The website accessible at the address (the “Site“) is the property of the company Gloria Jensen Coaching.
Legal Information of Gloria Jensen Coaching:
– Individual company (SIRET 87753584900021)
– Registered Office: 5 bis Allée des Acacias – F-33160 Saint Médard en Jalles – France
– Registration Number in the Trade and Companies Register: Cf. Siret
– VAT Identification Number: FR 11877535849
The Site’s hosting provider is: o2switch – Chemin des Pardiaux, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France – +33 (0)4 44 44 60 40 – support(a)
The Site was developed and created by: Sas Luvaika.
Gloria Jensen Coaching’s Liability
Gloria Jensen Coaching has taken all customary precautions to ensure both the reliability of information and secure access to the Site. However, Gloria Jensen Coaching cannot, under any circumstances, guarantee the absence of material errors, technical deficiencies, or any other kind of issue.
Gloria Jensen Coaching shall not be held responsible for any damage related to the use of its Site and disclaims all liability regarding information contained on other websites that may be linked to its Site through a hyperlink or any other means.
For further information, we invite you to consult the General Terms and Conditions, of Gloria Jensen Coaching’s Site.